I love serendipity! I was just writing this post, when an email came in from someone I follow. Her email was about resistance. I am writing about flow and surrender. Two opposing states that can lead one to the same place- both are a choice of how to travel through transformation.
Transformation is happening–whether you choose to resist or surrender only gives you a different experience of the same event. Sometimes we need resistance for growth and sometimes the growth occurs smoothly with very little resistance. I think it is quite amazing, when you really think about it– how much power we have to create our experience of circumstances.
As I was doing my morning writing, I felt my self slip into into the flow–A wondrous place of serenity, peace and magic. I started to feel a flow of energy all around me–a vision unfolding in my mind as my fingers were flowing effortlessly across the keyboard. Happily clicking away as the letters formed words and the words formed sentences that rendered a snippet of writing that I am sharing below.
“Close your eyes for a moment and see the world behind your eyes. Slip into your dreaming mind as you experience a vision that is wonderful to see and feel. Allow yourself to be in that dream as much as you can. Bring your senses alive as you see a full spectrum of colors surrounding you. Breathe and allow your body to take this in, really feel it now and anchor it into your body. Carry this within you where ever you go and know as you do, this feeling you are feeling is radiating from you like a bouquet of the finest perfume.”
The world behind your eyes is a magical place! You can make it what ever you like, change it at any time and create a feeling for your body to experience. When you get really good at dreaming like this, you can spread that feeling outward, you can be the cause of a great shift for those around you, the world and beyond just by practicing and playing in your imagination.
Those who create and share, writing, art, music, food, dance, etc. are great at this as they bring their imaginings into form. These forms hold power and magic that when experienced can elicit a feeling as the maker shares their inner world with those around them.
We have more power to make an impact than we realize. Whether or not we bring our dreaming into form or carry that dream within us and live it. We are inspiring those around us in ways that can be transformative. And the interesting thing is, we don’t have to concern ourselves with the outcome. Because what you will feel, if you choose to participate in creating this way, is the flow of all of creation playing and dreaming with you.
As we rapidly flow toward the end of 2024 and begin 2025, I share my dream. Whether your journey is bumpy or smooth, may you dream and imagine yourself saturated with peace, love, wonder and outrageous cosmic creating!
With Love and Cosmic Dreaming,
Here is the replay of yesterday’s Connection with Spirit- please enjoy!
2025 holds a mystery that we can fear or embrace. You have the power to surrender to the flow of life and co-create from a place of love. If you are ready to release the old and empower the emergence of the truth of you, check out the personal Heal Dream Create Retreats at the Cosmic Dreaming Lodge. Dream into expansive revelations, receive deep nurturing support, and cultivate the emergence of your creative self in the potent energies of Sedona. Each journey is lovingly designed for your specific needs. Click Here for more information.